Hai bloggieee
Tak boleh tido
I just wanna express what i feel here
Before i go to sleep
Do you know how to fall in love?
How do i know if i really love someone?
I just have no answer to both of the question
But, when i realized i can talk to him for hoursss
And despite being emo, i can suddenly change and ended up being cheerful again
I know i really3 love him
Who would imagine
I thought i might marry someone out of love
Bcoz after my longgg breakup
I had no feelings at all
I just cant give my heart out
I thought i will marry a person out of responsibility
And the love maybe will develop later on
But bloggieeee
Truthfully.. sometimes i dont know how i feel towards him
I can restraint myself from talking to him for days
Maybe bcoz im mature enough to control myself kot
Everytime he called me
My heart meltssss
I feel like im in loveeeee
How to control this weird feeling bloggiee
Takut kalau ade perasaaan nak memiliki ni
Takut Allah tarik balik je
Maybe i should doa banyak2
So that everything will be fine
And Allah will let us be together if we are meant to be
Boleh x cakap something weird
I look forward to the day when u re mine
When u will be my door to jannah
I love you sooo much
Sooo much that im afraid i might lose someone like you again
But if that happens
May Allah ease my heart
And may Allah guide me to be a better muslimah