Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Hai bloggie.

My saving goneeee.. Huhu. Sume sebab phone mngamuk beberapa hair and menyebabkan aku TERPAKSA beli phone baru. Aahahaa. Terpaksa tau. Bkn sengaja ^^

And therefore here I am using lenovo phone yg p series. I choose this bcoz dia ade lifelong battery life span. 4000mAh. Suke gile. Guns bnyak internet pon mcm xgerak je bateri dia. Hehhe. I din regret buying phone for the very first time even I lost my saving. Huhu. Takpe. Cuti nanti Ai g keje. Hehehehe. Okla. Good morning bloggie. Time to get ready for a new day. InsyaAllah everything will be better today. Amin. ;)

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